I had a great deal of trouble deciding how to display the information from
my family files. Currently, as of 8/2005, the main tree on the Prowett family is seven generations, but the Allphin line from
Rick's grandmother goes back much further, thanks to Jo Ann Burgi at the Allphin family genealogical site!
I'm a very visually oriented person and unless I have an overview that I can place things into perspective
I have trouble understanding just how it all fits together. So...the way I've tried to organize this:
- Individuals: biographies, retrospectives written by relatives, memorial copy,
interview notes, headstones, obituaries, a picture or two of the person;
- Timelines: graphical representations of when larger groups of family names merged
with the family. Eventually hope to have individual timelines in historical context;
- Charts & Histories: is organize to represent graphically the family links that
lead to stories about individual lines...maybe eventually family charts as I get time;
- Our Worldconnect database information at Rootsweb we are also listed at Gencircles
and in Geneanet.
- Related Family Genealogical Sites is the repository for most of the sites I find that
list families in our tree...I don't promise, I may miss one or two. ( I should probably just join a webring, but I always
get lost navigating them *grin* I end up distracted!)
Hope this helps you find the information you were looking for,
I really don't mind emails and I LOVE guestbook entries! If you want to be updated on what I'm
finding, email me and let me know. If you would like to contribute, email me and let me know. If I get enough interest, I
could put up a page with email addresses and names of researchers for the various family lines. Email me and we'll talk.
This Prowett site & the Miller site: General Information, pictures of families, people,
etc that I don't use elsewhere, updates about my research as it goes on...the sites will mirror each other and deal with different
families...his and mine!
- Navigation bar options:
- A brief history touches on the families and their appearance in the United States.
- This page
- Families with surname lists and will allow you to follow a family forward or back
- Lost Sheep has pictures I can't identify, or place, genealogical road blocks I'm having or current family I'd like to find
- Historical Photo Album has photos that are mostly over 20 or 30 years old, I don't want to post current pictures of people to the web unless
you, as the person, ask me to, due to security concerns. Though I will post embarrassing ones of you as a teenager or child
if I have them! (Shh..My brother and sister may be listening and find out my evil plans!)
- Genealogy Downloads will eventually have my gedcoms available for download, minus living family detail of course. Right now I'm trying to
clean up the source citations in my files, so you are redirected to Rootsweb where you can download
multiple generations at a time.
- Research Blog has updates on people I've met through my research, contacts made and what
I've discovered.
- Lost Branches Families that I think may connect
into the main branch, someday or people who carry the Fuecker or Prowett names, since when they are spelled that way, they
are a bit unusual.
- Your Research has my list of links that I've found useful for genealogy research and the small bit of advice I feel qualified
to offer.
- Contact me and guestbook are just what they sound like!