Prowett Family

Blog Archive 9/2005

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Topics: Meeting Cousins; Libraries & Search Engines

Topic: Meeting Cousins    Title: Please Pray
A cousin I just recently met and have come to care for dearly let my husband and I know that the cancer he has been fighting is currently winning.
Whatever deity you pray to...please bend your thoughts to giving strength to this man and his family as he fights to keep going. We'd miss him greatly.
Dear cousin Hal, if you are reading this, know you are in our prayers.
Blessing to you and your family, Sondra

Topic: Meeting Cousins    Title: Georgia's on my mind
When I found Karen Prowett's obituary, and the connections of her husband and children I was excited. It confirmed the searches I'd done on and I did some googles on the rest of the family and found most of her immediate family listed somewhere on the Web. LOL
I took the chance of emailing her husband and found a brand new and enthusiastic cousin willing to give me all the information he knew about his branch of the family! Now I'm in contact with his brother and daughter as list of family just grows and grows! :)
He even finked out his mother's email address, so I have a message out to her to try to get more information from her perspective! :)
Aren't children wonderful?
Ta Ta For Now, Sondra

Topic: Libraries  & Search Engines     Title: Placing a Caver
A few years ago, when Karen L. (George) Prowett died in a caving accident, Rick found the notice of it on the web. He was intrigued because he likes spelunking too and it was interesting to know that other Prowetts shared the same passions. He also liked finding out she was a President of the Georgia MENSA group. LOL We all know he's smart, but he likes to rub it in occasionally  ;o)
I didn't have much luck placing her, or where she fit into the family until a few days ago. I was surfing using the Prowett last name as my query, which I do fairly frequently...when you've seen the same websites appear over and over, you know which ones you've already seen, lol. But I ran across an entry for an index I hadn't seen before at They had an online index to their local papers and had an obituary on a Prowett I didn't have...oh boy! So I used their online contact request and got a helpful staff person who assured me that they would send an image of the requested obituary on the page indexed by return email in a few days. Then I waited...lo and behold it turned out to be the obituary for Karen L. Prowett, wife to Steven Prowett.
I'd been curious about this family when I did a zabasearch on Prowetts and I got quite a few hits from their area, but I couldn't put it all together until the Denver Library came through.  It's like a huge jigsaw puzzle and you follow the clues :)
Now my next project is to get the site back up from the restructure and then send out a letter to all those Prowetts I found in zabasearch to see if they want to add additional information or pictures to the site or be kept up to date on what we discover. Should be fun times as I get it together.
Take care all, Sondra

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Created by: S. Miller-Prowett 9/2004
Updated 8/2006